Sanon mitä sanon, sepitän päästäni minkä voin ja uskokoon ken tahtoo.
I say what I say, I make up stories in my head and they are my truth, believe or not.
Sisältää alastomuutta, keijuilla kun ei ole tapana käyttää vaatteita.
Contains nudity, fairies did`nt excatly wore clothes or such.
Todellisuuden harha voi viedä mukanaan.
Illusion of reality can change you forever.
En omista kuvia, ne ovat sivuilta.
I don´t own the pictures, they are from I just adore them.
Keijut, ihmissilmiltä näkymättömissä elävä kansa joka tunnetaan kauneudestaan ja kurittomuudestaan, ei enää ole niin näkymätön. Osoitteessa (sivusto, jonka löysin sattumalta pari päivää sitten) on annettavaa kaikille jotka elävät saduissa/saduista kuten minä, arvostavat yli ymmärryksen menevää kädentaitoa ja lahjakkuutta tai vain pitävät erinomaisen hyvistä kuvista. Kyseessä on BJD(Ball-jointed Doll) -nukkejen valmistaja jonka kädenjälki on niin elävää että olin sivustolle eksyessäni oitis vakuuttunut nyt löytyneen henkilön, joka on onnistunut kuvaamaan keijuja. Syvää arvostusta minun puoleltani.
Fairies, the hidden people
some are born from stardust
some of first laughter of a newborn child
some of at morning in a opening flower
some of sunlight in a very thin air
and some are origin unknown
They are known so long but so rarely seen
that we have forgot how things have been
after people came and build cities after cities
tamed the forests and ruined the lands
and the nature in humans heart went lost
so did the fairies.
they are a conquered race living in hiding.
they are here but we can´t see them at our daily lives
everytime someone says "I don´t believe in fairies"
A Fairy dies.
Folklore tells that they weren´t all nice
some of them are vicious, some of them bite
they were playfull and curious, enjoyed the ride
now they all live in fear, are shy and hide
They are so delicate and beautiful
so fragile and pure
they are airborn and mystical
I hope that were is believe, there is a cure
ask from old people, they can tell
about the times when everything was well
then fairies danced in the fields by night
You could hear their laughter even if they werent on sight
In the forest it was different,
different fairies you see
there lived the ones who were sometimes mean
the pale ones from the darkest places did´nt stand the bright light att all.
They could be asked to cure becouse they had heeling powers,
but they weren´t to trust becouse they could also kill you if they liked
or if you went too close without an invite.
Keijuilla on yhä kyky muuttaa ihmissilmin havaittavaa maailmaa ja lumota meidät.